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Field spaniel (Dog standard)

Field spaniel is a flushing and retrieving dog. ideal for rough shooting or companion for the country dweller. not suitable for city.

FCI-Standard N°123 / 28. 11. 2003 / GB


ORIGIN : Great-Britain.


UTILIZATION : Flushing and retrieving dog. Ideal for rough shooting or companion for the country dweller. Not suitable for city.

CLASSIFICATION F.C.I. : Group 8 Retrievers, Flushing Dogs, Water Dogs.
Section 2 Flushing Dogs.
With working trial.

GENERAL APPEARANCE : Well balanced, noble, upstanding sporting Spaniel, built for activity and endurance.

BEHAVIOUR / TEMPERAMENT : Unusually docile, active, sensitive, independent.

HEAD : Conveys the impression of high breeding, character and nobility.

Skull : Well chiselled, occiput well defined, lean beneath eyes. A thickness here gives coarseness to whole head. Slightly raised eyebrows.
Stop : Moderate.

Nose : Well developed with good open nostrils.
Muzzle : Long and lean, neither snipy nor squarely cut. In profile curving gradually from nose to throat.
Jaws/Teeth : Jaws strong with a perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, i.e. upper teeth closely overlapping lower teeth and set square to the jaws.
Eyes : Wide open but almond-shaped with tight lids showing no haw. Grave and gentle expression. Dark hazel in colour. 
Ears : Moderately long and wide, set low and well feathered.

NECK : Long, strong and muscular enabling dog to retrieve his game without undue fatigue.

Back and loin : Strong, level and muscular.
Chest : Deep and well developed. Ribs moderately well sprung. Length of rib cage is two-thirds of the body length.

TAIL : Customarily docked .
Docked : Docked by one third. Set on low. Never carried above level of back.
Nicely feathered, with lively action.
Undocked : Set low. Never carried above level of back. Nicely feathered with lively action. Reaches approximately to the hocks. Of moderate length in balance with the rest of the dog.


FOREQUARTERS : Legs of moderate length. Straight, flat bone.
Shoulders : Long and sloping and well laid back.

HINDQUARTERS : Strong, muscular.
Stifles : Moderately bent.
Hocks : Well let down.

FEET : Tight, round with strong pads and not too small.

GAIT/MOVEMENT : Long, unhurried stride with great drive from the rear. Short, stumping action undesirable.


HAIR : Long, flat, glossy and silky in texture. Never curly, short or wiry. Dense and weatherproof. Abundant feathering on chest, under body and behind legs, but clean from hock to ground.

COLOUR : Black, liver or roan. Any one of these with tan markings. In self-coloured dogs white or roan on chest permissible. Clear black/ white or liver/ white unacceptable.

SIZE AND WEIGHT : Approximately 45.7 cm (18 ins ) at the withers.
Weight : between 18-25 kg (40-55 lbs).

FAULTS : Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog.

Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified.

N.B. : Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

This amended breed standard will become effective from April 2004.
