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Household Pet (Cat)

Household Pet (Cat) has a balanced, strong body conformation with excellent nourishing and general condition.

Body: The cat has a balanced, strong body conformation with excellent nourishing and general condition.

Head: The scull is in good proportion to body and has soft contours.

Ears: The size and shape of the ears is to match the head.

Eyes: The eyes are vivid and expressive.

Coat: The coat is short, thick and glossy. All classic colours are allowed.

Colour Varieties : Chocolate and cinnamon and the according diluted colours (lilac and fawn) are not accepted in any pattern combinations (bi-colour, tri-colour, tabby). Also, the c s -factor is not accepted. Any other colour is accepted, the descriptions of colours are listed in the General Colour Guide.

Note: Adults will be neutered. The Household Pet must not be a mixed breed.

www: www.wcf-online.de/
