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Siberian (cat)

The overall appearance of the ideal siberian cat is one of great strength and power modified by a seet facial expression. the general impression of body type is one of circles and curves rather than the rectangles and triangles of some similar breeds.

General: The overall appearance of the ideal Siberian Cat is one of great strength and power modified by a seet facial expression. The general impression of body type is one of circles and curves rather than the rectangles and triangles of some similar breeds. Males may be considerably larger than females. The breed is extrem;ely slow to reach maturioty, taking as long as five years, and allowance should be made for this fact when comparing younger cats to the standard.

Head: The fhead is a wedge that is medium in size and is modified by full, rounded contours. The head is broader at the top of the skull and narrows lightly into a full, short, rounded muzzle is gentle and inconspicuous; however, a slight outward curvature at the muzzle is allowed. The cheekbones are smooth and unobtrusive. Viewed in profile, the forehead forms a flate plane. The line from the forehead down the bridge of the nose is a gradual slope. There is a slightly concave curve just before the tip of the nose.

Ears: The ears are medium; wide and open at the base and are set down slightly on the sides of the head. Ideally positioned, the ears are slightly more than one ear's width apart. The ears are tilted forward. The tips are rounded, but lynx tipping is allowable. The hair on the back of the ears is shorter and sparser than at the tips; yet, from the middle of the ear to the base, furnishings become longer and may entirely conceal the base of the ear.

Eyes: The eyes are large, almost round eyes, and expressive. They are slightly than one eye's width apart with the outer corner angled slightly toward the lower base of the ear. Acceptable eye color may cover the entire green-gold spectrum. Typical adult color is yellow-green. Richness and depth of color are desirable.

Body: The body is medium in lenth and muscular in build. It has substantial weight when lifted. The back is arched slightly higher than the shoulders. The rump is smooth and round. Tfhe torso and belly are firm and barrel-shaped.

Tail: Wide at base; blunt tip. The length is somewhat shorter than the length of the body without upsetting the overal good balance desired.

Legs and Feet: Medium in length; bones and sturdy without cobbiness. The hind legs are slightly longer than the front legs. The feet are large and round. Toe tufts are desirable.

Coat: Texture may vary due to coat color. The coat is a triple coat. The fur on the shoulder blades and lower section of the chest is slightly shorter than on the body. The neck has a thick, full ruff. There is a tight undercoat which is thicker in cold weather. Allowance should be made for seasonal variations in coat length and thickness. A wavy coat is not characteristic, but hair on belly and britches may thicken to curls.

Color and Markings: All colors and combinations of colors are acceptable with or without white with the exception of pointed, which are not allowed; neither is self-chocolate or self-lilac. In the tabby group, white or off-white is allowable on the chin, breast, and stomach areas. Buttons, spots and lockets are allowable in all colors.

Condition: The overall physical appearance of the cat should be one of great strength, force and size in excellent mental and physical condition.

Penalize: Adult cats not having substantial size and weight. Straight profile; narrow or fox-like muzzle. Non-rounded ears; Almond shaped eyes; very long legs; :Lack of undercoat.

Accepted Colors:
All colors and patterns except pointed.

Revised 03/98

Source: AACE >>>
