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Korat (Cat)

The Korat is an import from Thailand. The Korat is a rare cat even in its country of origin and, because of its unusually fine disposition.

General: The Korat is an import from Thailand. The Korat is a rare cat even in its country of origin and, because of its unusually fine disposition. Its general appearance is of a medium sized cat, silver blue all over, with a heavy silver sheen, muscular with smooth curved lines and huge prominent luminous green or amber-green eyes, alert and expressive.

Head: When viewed from the front, head is heart shaped with breadth between and across the eyes, gently curving to a well developed but neither sharply pointed nor overly squared muzzle. Forehead large, flat. Strong chin and jaw. In profile there is a slight stop between forehead and nose. Nose is short and has slight downward curve. Ears are large, with a rounded tip and a large flair at base, set high on head, giving an alert expression. Inside ears sparsely furnished.

Body and Tail: The Korat is medium in size with a strong muscular, semicobby body, medium bone structure. The back is carried in a curve. Legs are well proportioned to body, feet oval, five toes in front and four in rear. The tail is medium in length, heavier at the base tapering to a rounded tip. No penalty for invisible tail fault.

Color: Silver Blue overall, tipped with silver, the more silver the better, without shading or tabby markings. Where the coat is short the sheen of the silver is intensified. Paw pads dark blue ranging to lavender with pinkish tinge. Nose and lip leather is dark blue or lavender.

Eyes: Large and luminous, are particularly prominent, wide open and oversized for the face. Eye aperture, which shows as well rounded when fully open, has a Asian slant when closed or partially closed.

Eye Color: Brilliant green preferred, amber cast acceptable. Kitten and adolescents have yellow or amber to amber-green eyes. Color is not usually true until the cat is mature.

Coat: Single, hair is short to medium in length, glossy and fine, lying close to the body. The coat over the spine is inclined to break as the cat moves.

Condition: Good physical condition, muscular, alert appearance.

Accepted Colors:

Source: AACE >>>
